Clases del Abad

Preview of “Zen Mind: ‘Horizontal view is the mountain range, side view is its peak’”
Posted on 11.21.12 | by admin

In Zen Buddhism we talk about sitting Zen, which is commonly called sitting or quiet sitting but also Zen sitting. None of the methods and ideas of sitting Zen deviates from the purpose of restraining all the phenomena created by the mind. Without the mind, there is no phenomenon. For every function arises from the… READ MORE

Zen Practice: You Create Your Own Reality
Posted on 11.14.12 | by admin

The mind has no form. Thoughts are energy, material things are energy, and reality is energy. Thoughts come from the mind, and reality comes from the mind. Therefore, in the whole universe there is only one cause, one creator: your mind. Thoughts are not the cause that results in the reality, because thoughts are generated… READ MORE

Zen Practice – Manifesting the Purity of the Mind
Posted on 11.02.12 | by admin

A thought is a form of energy.  Each thought causes a brainwave, which has its own energy wave. A physical body and material things are also energy. They are energy forms; energy cannot be separated. I try to make this idea clear to people, because it is very useful. When you have a thought, you… READ MORE

Zen Practice – Change Your Karma
Posted on 10.13.12 | by admin

It is essential for us to learn from the negative karma we manifest. One should be able to let go of negativity without creating or putting something else on it. However, if one’s mind is always full of something, it is very difficult for you to get rid of negative karma. Empty your mind, and… READ MORE